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Oncologist Urges: Consume 2-Day Meal Plan. ‘Lose Weight Fast, Reverses Diabetes and Starves Cancer’

Nutritionists and doctors alike all agree on the benefits of eating a plant-based diet. Going a bit vegetarian is not as bad as many people think, and you will most certainly benefit from it.

Vegans and vegetarians eat a diet based on less meat and more plants, and even science has proven that this is the best way to go if you want to keep yourself healthy. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, we need to eliminate processed foods and red meat from our diet in order to stay away from serious diseases such as cancer.

Another study from Cornell University showed that taking antioxidants through supplements is not enough – we need to get these important nutrients from plant-based sources in order to stay healthy and away from cancer. According to data from many organization, a third of all cancer deaths in the USA could have been prevented if people ate more vegetables and fruit, which shows how important plants are.

The Loma Linda University conducted a research which proved that vegetarian diets are far more protective than non-vegetarian diets. The study examined over 70 000 subjects, and those on a vegetarian diet had significantly lower risk of cancer.

A vegetarian diet will also help you lose weight

There are plenty of diets to choose from, but rarely any of them work. About 85% of people who start a diet end up with all the lost weight back in just a year, which is why you need to pick the right one. Luckily for you, we have a few diets which will help you lose weight and stay in shape afterwards.

10% of the American adults are vegetarian, while over 60% are obese due to the unhealthy Western diet and lifestyle. Vegetarians weigh significantly less, and they are also less prone to many diseases and conditions. A healthy vegetarian diet has numerous benefits for your health and will reduce your risk of cancer.

Despite getting rid of your excess weight, the vegetarian diet will lower the risk of arthritis, diabetes and dementia and regulate your cholesterol levels and blood pressure. In a vegetarian diet, you will switch high-calorie foods with fiber-rich fruit and vegetables that will help you stay full. A plant-based diet will help you stay in shape and is far more delicious than you can think of.

Exercise is important

No matter how much hours you spend in the gym or running, you can’t make up for the unhealthy foods you eat. Studies have proven that what we eat is far more important for losing weight than physical activities. Cutting out fat from your diet, start eating more fruits and veggies and exercising every day is a perfect combination that will shed your pounds.

Why you should go vegetarian

According to a recent study, vegetarians lose weight twice as fast as other people. However, there are still vegetarian people who are overweight due to the poor choice of foods – they may eat healthy, but many of these people snack on chips and sodas which have a negative effect on our health. In order to make a vegetarian diet work, you need to add protein, calcium and vitamin B12 in your diet. Protein can be found in lentils or tofu, calcium can be found in soy milk, beans, collard greens, orange juice and broccoli, while vitamin B12 can be found in milk.
Here’s a simple 2-day vegetarian diet plan that will help you shed weight:

Day #1

  • Breakfast: a vegan smoothie with banana and almond butter
  • Mid-morning snack: a bowl of cucumber, avocado and cherry tomatoes salad, a bowl of lentil soup and a baked sweet potato
  • Lunch: a kale salad with some pumpkin seeds and a veggie burger
  • Post-workout snack: banana, quinoa wrap with some sweet ginger dressing and edamame and a vegan protein shake
  • Dinner: vegetable chili
  • Take a vegan protein shake and a tablespoon of almond butter before going to bed.

Day #2

  • Breakfast: a bowl of steel-cut oats and a vegan protein shake
  • Mid-morning snack: a handful of strawberries and grapes each and 1 cucumber
  • Lunch: a mixture of sprouts, beans and artichokes, mixed green salad, vegan protein shake
  • Post-workout snack: celery sticks and almond butter
  • Dinner: a veggie burrito with avocado, quinoa and beans, mixed greens salad
  • Take a vegan protein shake and a handful of mixed nuts before going to bed.

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